The following are the main characteristics of an informal writing style:
1) Language and terminology used in conversation. Informal writing is analogous to having a discussion in person. As a result, it may incorporate slang, figures of speech, poor grammar, or asides.
2) As though you were speaking personally to your audience, use a personable tone (readers). Informal writing is frequently written in a conversational way. The author frequently employs the first person (I and us), but will also address the reader directly in the second person (you and your).
3) A straightforward framework and approach. As in speech, both sentences and paragraphs tend to be shorter in informal writing. This is especially true when it comes to writing for the internet. Incomplete sentences or ellipses (...) may also be used by writers to convey arguments.
4) Textual contractions and abbreviations In informal writing, words may be reduced or abbreviated in the same way that they are in conversation. As a result, contractions (for example, I'm, doesn't, couldn't, it's) and abbreviations (for example, TV, images) will be employed considerably more frequently in this style of writing.
5) Emotion and empathy A writer's empathy with the reader is generally stronger in informal writing. They may, for example, more clearly express a more complicated notion.
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