A lot of European nations, such as France, were actually enemies of Great Britain, as many of the countries in Europe fought against each other for power, land and resources. So they would support the colonists, just because it would weaken Great Britain.
Group polarization.
Group polarization is when inside a group what first was an inclination to some ideas, after the individuals talk, those same ideas become much more stronger and radical. As the exercise exemplifies, the jury is deliberating and their initial attitudes are leaning neutral to slighty toward a guilty verdict. After a few days of deliberation, their ideas have strengthened considerably toward a guilty verdict. That's a good example of group polarization.
I believer that it is A. However Muslims believe that (like in the Christian bibile) there were many prophets before Mohammed however he was the chosen on and wrote down his spiritual hearings and lead the charge after breaking away for Christianity. Don't forget, both religions share similar (sometimes near identical) creation stores and other tales and both . Don't forget Mohammad is in the christian bible and Jesus is in the Koran, both versions of Jesus are near identical until it comes to the Cross and Res-erection.
Climate Control
Climate Control
The Amazon Rainforest is said to be responsible for as much as 75% of its own rainfall, which feeds the nearby rivers through evapotranspiration. The water from the rivers then flows directly into the ocean, maintaining extremely important ocean currents, and thus controlling the regional climate.
fruits and vegetables-rythu bazaar, come from the food grains,oils....