Colours from shortest to highest wavelength
The foreign sector influences how goods or services move between firms and households: This is not the answer because as seen in the chart, the movement of goods and services is determined by how households and firms trade them.
The foreign sector influences how imports and exports move between firms and households: This is not the answer because imports and exports are determined by the demand of households and firms, the foreign sector has nothing to do with the desires of a different country.
The foreign sector influences how factors of production move between firms and households: This is the answer because globalization and in this case the foreign sector affect the national production of goods and services, in this case when the foreign sector is open to trade with other countries the use of national factors of production will be affected because goods and services are being found elsewhere.
In this case, if for example a country produces rice and it starts demanding more rice from a different country, the situation of the rice producers will change and the result would be less workforce, lower wages and so on.
El presidente y su gabinete de ministros representa en ala ejecutiva del poder publico. Esto significa que tienen a su cargo la administración del país y de los recursos del gobierno, a nivel nacional, y dependiendo del país, a nivel reginal o municipal, ya sea de forma directa o con transferencias.
El presidente y su gabinete también tiene a cargo el hacer válida la ley y su cumplimiento, y es por esto que bajo su poder también se encuentran las fuerzas armadas y la policía.
Cassie often tells her friends that males and females should equally share parental responsibilities, but she unconsciously feels that women are better parents. Even though she's not aware of it, this causes Cassie to work harder at being a good stay-at-home mother. It seems that Cassie's behavior is being influenced by sexism and discrimination of women in society.
Cassie feels that women are better parents and unwittingly strives to eb a better mom, she does this to either prove a point or the discrimination of women's abilitiues in society and unequality in the world for females.
<span>This question relates to a worksheet published in "Middle School Math With Pizzazz." Eleven math problems are given. The answer to each problem relates to an assigned letter. When matched with the correct answer, the letters spell out the answer "He was a sick shooter."</span>