Private speech
Private speech is a term in developmental psychology, that describes the speech spoken to oneself for communication, self-guidance, and self-regulation of behavior.
Often common among children between age two and seven, it is a spontaneous self-directed talk in which a person “thinks aloud,” most especially for the purpose of regulating cognitive processes and guiding behavior. While it is audible, it is neither intended for nor directed at others.
Hence, in this case, Marla's son is demonstrating a Private speech.
Kristol basically argued that our revolution does not had a smilar meaning with other revolution that we known, which hopes to get a way from certain rulings, but our revolution has a closer meaning to restructuring.
In order to self govern, a nation need to have a territory, a constitution, citizens, and a government.
Critical listening refers to the form of listening that involves analysis, indebt thinking and making judgment.
However, critical listening occurs when an individual want to comprehend what is being said by the other person, but simultaneously have some responsibility or reason to evaluate what the speaker is saying and the manner it's being said.
Critical listening helps in assumptions evaluation, and other important information during the interaction. In critical listening, the listener undertakes systematic thinking and reasoning, and this allows the listener to derive whether there's any evidence in the speaker’s speech. Persons with critical listening do not use their opinions to adhere to arguments that are proved to be illogical. They establish facts to evaluate the argument put forth by the speaker, rather than mere opinions. Hence, it involves making a decision in problem-solving procedures.
Conclusively, a person with critical thinking skills are capable of making good decisions in proffering solutions to problems. Hence, these skills helps to increase productivity, laying emphasis on how critical listening plays a vital role during communication.
Hate speech = In the context of this document, the term hate speech is understood as any kind of communication in speech, writing or behaviour, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality ...
Free speech = the right to express information, ideas, and opinions free of government restrictions based on content and subject only to reasonable limitations (as the power of the government to avoid a clear and present danger) especially as guaranteed by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution — see also ...
Remembering the name of a person's favorite toy from years ago when he or she was a child is an example of Episodic memory. (in installments, in sections or in parts). Episodic refers to containing or consisting of a series of separate parts or events.
Example: An episodic narration.