Feudalismo: Un sistema político y económico de Europa desde el siglo IX hasta aproximadamente el siglo XV basado en la tenencia de todas las tierras en feudo o tarifa y la relación resultante de señor a vasallo y caracterizado por el homenaje, el servicio legal y militar de los inquilinos y la confiscación. ... Los vasallos estaban en una clase algo más alta que los campesinos.
They had strong ties with Britain.
People cannot change their social standings.
According to the Hebrew tradition, embodied in the Old Testament texts, God made a pact with the Jewish people, by which he gave them the tables of the law that contained the 10 commandments, which had to be fulfilled by the Jewish people, in exchange of God leading them to the Promised Land, Israel. According to the biblical texts, God appeared before Moses, who was the representative of the Jewish people before the divinity, and the intermediary between the will of God and the will of the people.
<span>D. Specialization creates better products</span>