Answer:An SAE is a Supervised Agriculture Experience and you typically do this through FFA.
Through the FFA is you complete an SAE you qualify for degrees such as a Discovery or Green Hand Degree
I do not have a problem with Federal government having access to my personal data or information, because its for my own benefit. Personally, I do not think there's anything concerning my life I'd want conceal or hide , especially if its crucial to sustaining our society's safety and stability. Moreover, I would not want to take any chance, because critical threats are inevitable and always a possibility to take into consideration. As they always say, better safe than sorry.
I am not certain what you need, it is straight forward.
a. Figure open circuit voltage Vab. That seems have V3+V2 equal to Vs Remember V3 has two currents thru it, 20ma + the current due to Vs. Vab= V3
Next, find short circuit current, you have Iab=I2-20mA
given that, you can deduce the Thevelin equivalent directly.
It made it a lot harder for them to immigrate
Prices of steel and aluminium prices will depend on the market demand and supply.
The manufacturing industries are mainly depending on the steel as major source of raw material. The main reason for the demand of the steel will increase if the infrastructure development in the society. And it also reflects the economic boom happening in the society.
So if the demand of the steel increases because of various reasons like wage rise and demand for raw material like iron ore. In the event of price rise of steel the aluminium will be the next alternate for steel in the infrastructure development. So, if there is demand for steel arises automatically the aluminium prices will also increase.