Following are the Semaphores:
Customers: Counts waiting customers;
Barbers: Number of idle barbers (0 or 1)
mutex: Used for mutual exclusion.
Cutting: Ensures that the barber won’t cut another customer’s hair before the previous customer leaves
Shared data variable:
count_cust: Counts waiting customers. ------------copy of customers. As value of semaphores can’t access directly.
// shared data
semaphore customers = 0; semaphore barbers = 0; semaphore cutting = 0; semaphore mutex = 1;
int count_cust= 0;
void barber() {
while(true) { //shop is always open
wait(customers); //sleep when there are no waiting customers
wait(mutex); //mutex for accessing customers1
count_cust= count_cust-1; //customer left
void customer() {
wait(mutex); //mutex for accessing count_cust
if (count_cust< n) {
count_cust= count_cust+1; //new customer
signal(customers); signal(mutex);
wait(barbers); //wait for available barbers get_haircut();
else { //do nothing (leave) when all chairs are used. signal(mutex);
cut_hair(){ waiting(cutting);
get hair cut for some time; signal(cutting);
La fuerza se aplica en el lado opuesto de la carga.
Para andar en bicicleta y llevar una carga de la tienda a su casa, usamos tales reglas para llevar la carga de manera más fácil y segura. Si la carga es grande y está colgada en el mango derecho de la bicicleta, entonces la fuerza se aplica en el lado izquierdo de la bicicleta para mantener el equilibrio. Si no hicimos esto, la moto se irá hacia el lado derecho y el piloto sufrió el accidente.
A love poem. He wrote you a love poem.
Gloves from the People that have gas masks