Your question wasn't very clear, but I think I understand what you want. Additionally, you should really state what language you're working with. Here it is in C#, and shouldn't be too much of a hassle to translate in to other languages.
Console.Write("Enter payment: ");
float payment;
if (float.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out payment))
Console.WriteLine((Math.Floor(payment * 100) / 100) * 0.15, + " at 15% tip.");
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input.");
Business information
The building blocks are durable objects for content like corporate material, headings, timetables, and gallery advertising. The user can retrieve and utilize the building blocks at any time. The user can also design, saves, categorize and enter a description of their own building blocks, and tag them with keywords to help them find easily.
Business information is one of the main features of the building block galleries that is found on the insert tab in text group.
Code is too large , i attached a source file below and also a text file from where i get Questions