The correct answer is option c.
A perfectly competitive market has a large number of buyers and sellers. The firms are price takers and the price is determined by the market forces. Thus the monopoly firms face a horizontal demand curve. This horizontal line represents price, average revenue, and marginal revenue. The equilibrium is obtained where price, (average revenue and marginal revenue) is equal to marginal cost. There is no restriction on entry and exit of firms in the long run. That's why firms face a break-even in the long run.
While in a monopoly market there is a single firm. This firm fixes price higher than marginal cost. The demand curve of the monopoly is a downward sloping showing relatively elastic demand. A monopoly firm can earn profits in both the short run as well as the long run.
Set goals, develop team structure, create a unified commitment.
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Dr Unearned rent revenue 16,800
Cr Rent revenue 16,800
Period 6 months
Period expired at year end which is from September to December = 4 months
December 31
Dr Unearned rent revenue 16,800
Cr Rent revenue 16,800
Unearned Rent Revenue was debited in order to reduced Liability while Rent Revenue was credited in order to increase revenue.
Original Cost -$120,000
Useful life -10 years
Residual Value - $20000
Annual depreciation - $(120,000-20000)/10 = $10,000
Accumulated depreciation for 4 years = 10*4= $40000
Book value at disposal = $120,000-$40000= $80000
Sales value = $35,000
Loss on disposal = $80,000-$35000= $45,000