<span>Psychoanalysis can be used here. Psychoanalysis is a set of theories and
therapeutic techniques connected to the study of the unconscious mind, which
together form a process of treatment for mental-health disorders. </span>The basic views
of psychoanalysis include:
<span>- a
person's growth is determined by frequently forgotten events in early
childhood, rather than by inherited traits alone;
- human
behavior and cognition are mainly determined by unreasonable
drives that are deep-rooted in the unconscious;
<span>- efforts
to bring those drives into consciousness triggers resistance in the form
of defense mechanisms, chiefly repression;
</span><span>- conflicts
between conscious and unconscious material can effect in mental disturbances for instance anxiety and depression;
</span><span>- unconscious
material can start in dreams and unintentional
acts, comprising mannerisms and slips
of the tongue;</span>
<span>When people make assumptions about other people, such as in the case of Gladys, this is known as implicit personality theory or automatic assumption. This is often what happens when one person forms certain opinions about another person when they actually have very little knowledge about that person. One theory is that we are often not even aware that these assumptions are taking place in our minds.</span>
Lincoln Steffens, Jane Addams, Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, Jacob Riis,
<span>The term Sojourners means “bird of passage” and it makes reference to boys and men from southern Italy that migrated to America. most of them were contract laborers who did not want to become American citizens so they were coming and going from the US to his country. </span>
gaucho is a cowboy from the South American pampas.