300 billion kilometers represents 2005.37613668053 AU
a land that is raised and flat
Typically, plateau was formed by either Volcanic activity or a Tectonic activity.
Collection of Eruptions from Volcanoes could gradually increase the land elevation overtime, forming the raised and flat structure on the land. Similar process could also be found from the upward movement in the Earth's crust when tectonic plates were colliding with one another.
Currently, Geologist predict that Plateaus make up almost 1/3 of the Earth's surface. They can be found in all continents across the world.
The inflationary process will become self-perpetuating when the initial rise in the price of imported goods triggers a wage-price spiral.
Answer: the availability bias
Explanation: this is also called availability heuristic.
In this type of bais, humans ability to recur an occasional , frequently or quick occurence of an action that readily comes into our minds as the true fact thereby ignoring the real truth. Humans most time believes that an action if common, frequently and readily comes to mind and can be easily secured is the right or true thing or action and they ignore the alternative.
At times,human decisions and actions are usually influenced by their beliefs, what they see or hear occasional that has been buit up in their mind and by other factors. Most of this beliefs or notions they have come to accept are most times not true but it becomes very hard to convince them because that idea or notions have already been registered in their memory. Media units example television, radio and even new technology like mobile phones has also act as an influencing factor also that sway the emotions or minds of humans
The earliest event from these was:
753 BCE: City of Rome founded
Then this happened:
509 BCE: Roman republic founded
27 BCE: Roman Empire established
After which:
410 CE: Alaric seized Rome
And finally:
476 CE: Odoacer sacked Rome
You can figure out the chronological order by looking if it has either CE or BCE - BCE is before Christ and CE is after Christ. When counting from BCE it goes from higher numbers towards zero. When counting from CE it goes from zero to higher numbers again.