E. Invest in mutual funds.
Individual investors tend to have relatively small portfolios and are usually unable to realize economies of size. The best strategy is to pool funds with other small investors and allow professional managers to invest the funds. Here, a fund manager is hired to invest the cash the investors have contributed, and the fund manager's goal depends on the type of fund; a fixed-income fund manager, for example, would strive to provide the highest yield at the lowest risk.
Let understand that the organized table are intended to calculate missing numbers on Income Statement for the two companies are drawn below.
- Here, we are calculating missing columns for Monty Corp. and Whispering Winds Corp.
- Also understand that the bold numbers are the columns calculated according to the question.
Particulars Monty Corp. Whispering Winds Corp.
Sales revenue $90,000 $111,000
Sales return and allowance <u>$6,000</u><u> </u> <u>$5,000</u>
Net sales $84,000 $106,000
Cost of goods sold <u>$53,760 </u> <u>$65,720</u><u> </u>
Gross profit $30,240 $40,280
Operating expenses <u>$15,120 </u> <u>$19,080 </u>
Net income <u>$15,120</u><u> </u> <u>$21,200</u>
In conclusion, the formulae used to derived the bolded answers are:
- Sales revenue - Net sales = Sales returns and allowance
- Net sales - Cost of goods sold = Gross profit
- Gross profit - Operating expenses = Net income
- Net sales + Sales return and allowance = Sales revenue
- Net sales - Gross profit = Cost of goods sold
- Gross profit - Net income = Operating expenses
See similar solution here
I believe the answer is: different
The values of pesos from these spanish speaking countries are different depending on how good their performance in the market.
For example,
1000 mexican peso is equal to +/- 50 USD
1000 Argentine peso is equal to +/- 30 USD