A government.....Like seriously, a government
You have to write this based on yourself. Just answer each question one by one and then you can compare a whole paragraph.
So for each question you have to choose what you believe you are.
Which social class do you belong to; lower, middle, or upper class?
Why? This could be because you're well off or because you don't have that much money, it depends on which class you believe you are.
Who are your peers? Peers refers to people within the same age bracket as you.
In your everyday choices, whom do you tend to take as a reference point? This is basically asking who influences you, for example your mother or your brother, who do you use as your guidance for how you act. The remaining questions are just asking to specify who, your peers or family members, it's just an addition to the main question.
#1. The drive to expand westward.
#2. to rid the land of the 'savages'.
a discouraged worker.
A disincentive employee or discouraged worker refers to the individual who is qualified for jobs and who can work, but who is currently unemployed and has not tried to find a job in the last four weeks.
Discouraged workers have generally given up looking for an employment since, whenever they tried, they encountered no reasonable job opportunities or did not secure a position.
Because discouraged individuals no longer seek jobs, they are not considered to be involved in the labor force. This implies that the benchmark rate of unemployment, which is based solely on the number of active labor force, does not recognize the number of depressed workers in the area.
the spread of Islam
The spread of Islam at times created tensions between the populations already living in North Africa and West Africa and the Muslim groups who were coming into the area. Some of these Muslim groups started wars against the natives, whom they viewed as godless pagans.