an emerging infectious disease
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an emerging infectious disease can be defined as a newly identified and previously unknown infection in a population that may lead to serious public health concerns at local and/or international level. Emerging infectious diseases usually are caused by pathogenic organisms (like viruses) already present in the environment that acquire the ability to infect a new host species as an adaptive response to changes in ecological conditions. Some examples of emerging infectious diseases include, among others, Ebola virus disease, Chikungunya virus disease, H1N1 Influenza virus disease, etc.
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The goal of a conclusion is to state whether the hypothesis was supported by the data
A conclusion is a type of small paragraph where we explain the overall outcome of an experimental procedure and after it mention the proposed hypothesis at the starting of the experiment was correct or not.
These discussions which is mentioned in the conclusion is helpful for further experiments or also test that could be done to support your findings in the present experiment. This part could also be called perspectives.
E.coli is a bacterium which is preffered for transformation due to its rapid growth and high efficiency of introduction of DNA molecules into cells.
Tetracycline is an antibiotic used to treat several infections such as cholera, plague, brucellosis, and malaria etcetra.
Plasmid is a small, extrachromosomal DNA molecule present in cell which is seprated from chromosomal DNA and have ability to replicate independently.
When a plasmid resistant to tetracycline and kanamycine is inserted into E.coli, the process is called transformation. E.coli might not be able to survive due to absence of plasmid but the transformed strains having antibiotic tetracycline and kanamycine will probably be able to survive it.
Hence, the culture of bacteria carrying plasmid will be able to survive only.