A code of ethics can be defined as a set of rules and guidelines that exist in an organization to regulate the behavior and actions of all employees.
Therefore, there is no way to guarantee that only a formal and written code of ethics is necessary for managers and employees to actually practice ethical behavior.
What will define whether the code of ethics is really implemented in the company is its conduct and positioning in the internal and external environment. There is a way for a company to be unethical and have a complete and not exercised code of ethics.
Therefore, for the organizational culture to be based on the values set out in the code of ethics, it is necessary to have strong ethical leadership, as the leader is responsible for motivating and guiding the actions of employees based on their own example, then in the long term , it can be said that an ethical leadership would be more impactful for the formation of the shared values that form the organizational culture.
The answer to your question is the vacuole it holds water. the vacuole is responsible for helping the plant stay up right when the vacuole is full the plant is perky and vibrant but when it is empty the plant becomes dull and wilted
The answer is b many people want this product and havent purchased it yet
The answer to question one is raising financial capital is difficult and the owner is personally liable for business debts.
Sole proprietorships have a number of advantages and disadvantages. These are two of the biggest disadvantages.
Question number two can be solved through the process of elimination. The workers and shareholders would not be hiring anyone. This leaves the Presidents and Vice Presidents. The President would normally hire the Vice Presidents, and then the Vice Presidents would hire and supervise the heads of the departments.
A wholesaler would be the answer to your question.