Answer: Posters promoting good security behavior and designated mailing list.
One of the ways to create awareness in people's mind is by posting images, writings on walls and boards for their veiwing, when this is done over a period of time, they get conformed in their minds to adjust to what they've been seeing, another way is by designated emails, especially coming from the organization, through this emails, they can give their suggestions and complains also on what they feel or want to be done in the organization.
EIN; employer idenification number.
hope this helps :)
make a list of items in top priority
enumerate the most important
Gross pay:
- consultant $4,000
- computer programmer $3,300
- administrator $2,800
Net pay:
- consultant $2,767.98
- computer programmer $2,295.48
- administrator $1,993.98
regular earnings overtime withholding
Consultant $4,000 per week N/A 2
Computer programmer $60 per hour 1.5 1
Administrator $50 per hour 2 2
computer programmer worked 50 hours = ($60 x 40) + ($60 x 10 x 1.5) = $3,300
administrator worked 48 hours = ($50 x 40) + ($50 x 8 x 2) = $2,800
Social security taxes:
Consultant = 6% x $4,000 = $240
- Computer programmer = 6% x $3,300 = $198
- Administrator = 6% x $2,800 = $168
Medicare taxes:
- Consultant = 1.5% x $4,000 = $60
- Computer programmer = 1.5% x $3,300 = $49.50
- Administrator = 1.5% x $2,800 = $42
Federal income taxes:
- Consultant: amount subject to withholding = $4,000 - (2 x $75) = $3,850. Federal income taxes = $356.90 + [28% x ($3,850 - $1,796) = $932.02
- Computer programmer = amount subject to withholding = $3,300 - (1 x $75) = $3,225. Federal income taxes = $356.90 + [28% x ($3,225 - $1,796) = $757.02
- Administrator = amount subject to withholding = $2,800 - (2 x $75) = $2,650. Federal income taxes = $356.90 + [28% x ($2,650 - $1,796) = $596.02
Gross pay:
- consultant $4,000
- computer programmer $3,300
- administrator $2,800
Net pay:
- consultant $4,000 - ($240 + $60 + $932.02) = $2,767.98
- computer programmer $3,300 - ($198 + $49.50 + $757.02) = $2,295.48
- administrator $2,800 - ($168 + $42 + $596.02) = $1,993.98
it's an interveiw targetting a speciffic skill or Competncy