El rinovirus que enfermedad causa ?
Answer: Esté resfriado es una enfermedad viral autolimitada no muy grave que afecta al sistema respiratorio. No suelen presentarse complicaciones pero las enfermedades que puede causar son Sinusitis, Adenoides, Faringitis, Laringitis, Traqueítis, Bronquitis. Las personas con asma son más propensas a adquirir el rinovirus.
I hope it helps, Regards.
Memory loss the patient may forget his way back home from the shops. He may forget names and places. they may find it hard to remember what happened earlier on during the day. Moodiness the patient may become more and more moody as parts of the brain that control emotion become damaged. Moods may also be affected by fear and anxiety.
Okay, what are your results on your pulse per minute, before excercise and after, and how do they from your pulse per minute befote the semester
Then mention the activities you contributed in.
And then compare your fitness level to the class