STM is capable of storing information for 10–15 seconds without rehearsal while working memory actively processes, manipulates, and controls the information. Information from STM can then be consolidated into long-term memory where memories can last a lifetime.
The large number of areas covered by the chemical energetics can be explained by the different forms in which chemical energy can be released: heat and combustion work, electrical energy in electrochemistry, radiant energy in chemiluminescent systems.
The chemical energy provided by a reaction reflects the energy balance associated with the electronic modifications suffered by the species involved.
From an energy point of view, a chemical reaction between molecules can be schematized in two stages. The first requires a supply of energy and corresponds to the rupture of the bonds of the reactant molecules with release of the atoms which constitute them.
The second releases energy and concerns the creation, by recombination of these atoms, of new bonds entering the structure of the reaction molecules.
As a general rule, the energy released in the second stage is greater than the first. We are talking about exothermic reaction. The difference between these two energies (reaction enthalpy) measures the amount of chemical energy transferred to the external environment.
It is conceivable that this quantity translates, not only the number, but also the strength of the connections involved.
1. Why hydrosphere is important for the living organisms?
2. Why atmosphere is important for the living organisms?
3. Why lithosphere is important for the living organisms?
4. Why biosphere is important for the living organisms?
These are the four questions related to the subsystem of the earth. There are four subsystem of the earth named "lithosphere" which means the land, "hydrosphere" which means water, "biosphere" which means living things and "atmosphere" which means air.
All these subsystems are important for the survival of living creatures on the planet earth because all living organisms depends on these four subsystem.
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Earth's orbit and climate change