An acquisition that results in expansion indicates that expectations were not met.
An acquisition that ends up in enlargement indicates that the expectations weren't met. The business economic cycle stage called expansion happens once real gross the domestic product (GDP) will increase for 2 or additional consecutive quarters, going from a low point to a high point.
Example of expansion- There are two main sources of economic expansion which are growth in the size of the workforce and growth in the productivity of that workforce. The effects of economic expansion are rise in GDP, increase in per capita income and decrease in unemployment.
An acquisition that results in expansion indicates that expectations were not met. An acquisition that results in expansion indicates that the expectations were not met. The business economic cycle stage known as expansion occurs when real gross the domestic product (GDP) increases for two or more consecutive quarters, going from a low point to a high point.
The Expansion, which is often known as an economic recovery, is frequently followed by an increase in employment, consumer confidence, and equities markets. The Economic growth's peaks and valleys are not a random, the unexplained process. It is thought that the economy follows a cyclical pattern that keeps repeating itself over time.
The knowledge gap can be directly attributed to the digital divide because the differential ability to access the internet leads directly to a differential ability to use the knowledge found on the Internet. The hypothesis of knowledge gap is that people with higher socioeconomic status get the information presented by mass media faster than those with lower socioeconomic status. As a result, this marks a difference between these two segments of society.
Explanation: Activation-synthesis hypothesis is proposed by John Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley. It is the theory of dreaming that explains that dreams are a result of biological processes. In other words it is a neurobiological theory of dreams. Activation-synthesis hypothesis theory explains that dreams are created by changes in neuron activity that activates the brainstem during rapid eye movement sleep.
The usefulness of the social cognitive theory construct of
observational learning is being determined by a factor in which how the
individual has extended the attention given to another person in means of
having to model the behavior that is being executed or exhibited.