State governments are bound by the Bill of Rights thanks to the due process clause.
Further Explanation:
The due process clause can be found in the 5th amendment of the Bill of Rights. The goal of the due process clause is to ensure all citizens have their individual liberties protected. This means that no government can take these rights away from them. In this protection, this include the right to life, liberty, and property.
The due process clause is one of the many protections offered by the Bill of Rights. Other rights protected by this part of the constitution include:
1) Freedom of religion.
2) Freedom of speech.
3) Right to petition.
4) Right to peacefully assemble.
5) Right to bear arms.
The implementation of the Bill of Rights can be credited to the compromises made between federalists and anti-federalists at the Constitutional Convention.
Learn More:
Purpose of the Bill of Rights-
Key Details:
Topic: American History, American Government
Grade Level: 9-12
Keywords: Due process clause, Bill of Rights, individual freedoms, liberties