Should they have a translation for people without that reading level
Some of the newly industrialized countries are Hong Kong (China), South Korea, Taiwan, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and Singapore!
In August, prominent physician Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence, long considered the father of American medicine, described an “unusual number of bilious fevers, accompanied with symptoms of uncommon malignity.” He concluded that, “All was not right in our city.”
Los Delegados asistentes
Los 55 delegados que redactaron la Constitución incluyeron a la mayor parte de los líderes más destacados, llamados Padres Fundadores, de la nueva nación. Thomas Jefferson, que estaba en Francia durante la convención, dijo, “Esto es realmente una asamblea de semidioses”.
This question is really geared more towards your own interpretation, so there isn't necessarily going to be a right or wrong answer. I would say that today the first amendment protects when people are speaking out against policies and general injustices in the American society today, and for instance, on social media I have seen people say "f trump and f america." The first amendment is protecting them, so that nobody can hold that statement against them and press charges. If we lived in russia, the russian secret police would find you, and kill you for that. Personally, I believe that if someone wanted to burn an american flag on their front lawn, and curse america, they should not be protected by the first amendment. that should be a crime. However, the first amendment does protect them, so there is nothing anyone could do about that legally.