From the context clues provided, a reader can easily determine that deliberate means to: B. think about something seriously.
<h3>What is a
context clue?</h3>
A context clue refer to hints in a literary work that provides the meaning of an unfamiliar word, which is literally hidden in plain sight such as in a essay, articles, paragraph, or passage.
In this context, a reader can easily determine from the context clues provided that deliberate simply means to think about something seriously, so as to proffer a solution as the case may be.
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Levinson sees the twenties as a "novice" phase of adult development.
Development goes up against new significance in adulthood in light of the fact that the procedure is never again characterized by physical and intellectual development spurts. Adulthood, which includes the lion's share of a man's life expectancy, is set apart rather by extensive psychosocial picks up that are combined with relentless yet moderate physical decay. Maybe the best‐known arrange hypothesis of grown-up advancement is that offered by Daniel Levinson . As indicated by Levinson, the ages of 17 to 45 include early adulthood, which he partitions into the novice phase (17– 33) and the culminating stage (33– 45).
Las respuestas correctas son las siguientes.
¿Es la cultura algo estático o algo dinámico?
Definitivamente, la cultura es algo dinámico. La cultura se transforma todo el tiempo porque la gente cambia y adopta nuevas formas de comportamiento en una sociedad, a pesar de que las tradiciones se respetan.
¿Cómo aportan estas definiciones de cultura a comprender, reproducir y/o transformar la realidad existente?
En que cada generación desarrolla sus propias características en base a su sistema de creencias. Una generación tiene una forma de ser y pensar distinta, a la siguiente generación: de abuelos, a padres, a hijos. De ahí que cada una de ellas transforma la realidad social de manera distinta e implanta su propia forma de ser y de pensar.
¿Encontraste una definición de cultura semejante a la que escribiste en la actividad de inicio?
En realidad, todas son muy parecidas, y mantienen características constantes como el lenguaje, la historia, las tradiciones, la manera, de pensar y la religión, entre otras tantas.
During the 1970's the national organisation for women actively promoted the legislation, out of the clean air act, the voting rights act, the civil rights act and the Equal rights amendment.
The right opiton is the Equal Rights Amendment which was very important to the women in the country and it would help the women to have the same rights as the men after so many years and hence it was very revolutionary.
<u>d. centration.</u>
Centration is a psychological process that consists in considering some aspects and discarting other aspects of a situation. The aspects that are not considered may be of importance. This process occurs durign a specif stage of development called pre operational stage. A stage in which kids are still developing so it common at this stage.