The body of water is called the Arabian Sea.
Atomic weapons
Japanese expansion in East Asia began in 1931 with the invasion of Manchuria and continued in 1937 with a brutal attack on China. On September 27, 1940, Japan signed the Tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy, thus entering the military alliance known as the "Axis." Seeking to curb Japanese aggression and force a withdrawal of Japanese forces from Manchuria and China, the United States imposed economic sanctions on Japan. Faced with severe shortages of oil and other natural resources and driven by the ambition to displace the United States as the dominant Pacific power, Japan decided to attack the United States and British forces in Asia and seize the resources of Southeast Asia. Japan launched a surprise attack on the United States Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941. The attack severely damaged the American fleet and prevented, at least for the short term, serious American interference with Japanese military operations. In response, the United States declared war on Japan. Following Germany's declaration of war on the United States, the United States also declared war on Germany..
genes may have a stronger effect than familial environment on some talent.
In Reproductions, there is a transfers chemically coded hereditary information contained in DNA deoxyribonucleic acid is transferred from parents to offspring. Heredity is commonly defined as passing traits from parent to offspring.
This is the study of how traits are being passed down or inherited from parent to offspring via DNA, simply called genes
This are found in certain positions on specific chromosomes. They carry the trait that is expressed (e.g. short, tall, straight hair,math skills etc.) Skills e.g maths skills can be an inheritance from the birth parents.