Now conduct research on the types of organisms that live in the ecosystem you chose. note that quaternary consumers and even ter
tiary consumers can include land animals that rely on the animals in the aquatic ecosystem for food. collect information based on these guidelines: producers: identify 2-3 species. primary (or first-level) consumers: identify 2-3 species. secondary (or second-level) consumers: identify 2-3 species. tertiary (or third-level) consumers: identify 2-3 species. quaternary (or fourth-level) consumers: identify 1-2 species. write down the species you’ve identified for each consumer level in the ecosystem.
conduct research on the types of organisms that live in the ecosystem you choose -
Ecosystems, or biological communities, comprise both living organisms such as animals, plants, insects, and microorganisms and nonliving components such as rocks, soil, water, and sunshine.
Producers are plants and algae that manufacture their own sustenance.
Herbivores eat plants and are classified as main consumers.
Secondary consumers are carnivores that devour herbivores at the third level.
Tertiary consumers are predators that consume other carnivores.
Answer: Cells have different shapes because they do different things. Each cell type has its own role to play in helping our bodies to work properly. Their shapes help them carry out these roles effectively.
The accumulation of several mutations in the main gene on the virus's surface may be able to give H7N9 the ability to spread like human flu viruses do, passing from person to person through coughing and sneezing.
A Front is basically a boundary between two air masses ,and more like A Weather System.
A Pressure System is air being lifted instead of pressed down and The MOVEMENT of a cold front through a Warm Front is usually called a pressure System
When the endometrium, the lining of the uterus, becomes too thick, it is called endometrial hyperplasia. This condition is not cancer, but in some cases, it can lead to cancer of the uterus.