Skim through you notes, get a good night of rest, relax and you'll do great :))
Internationalists have been fighting for over 4 decades to protect children from becoming soldiers. There have been many court cases and laws enacted to prevent exploitation of children.
Laws have prohibits military recruitment for people under 15, and the International Criminal Court now recognizes breaking this law as a war crime.
OPAC (Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child) focuses on ending children soldiers. This treaty prohibits recruiting anyone under the age of 18, or even asking them to engage in any hostile activities.
Many states have signed OPAC, and other international laws are helping in this effort, such as the International Labour Organization and the African Union's Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child.
Assessments should cover every part of the worksite. This is to ensure that there would be proper tracking in identified danger and to have it corrected. Assessments are also done at regular intervals, usually on a weekly basis and there should be a procedure in place.
The hypothesis that the RSA Animate video offers as to why we often avoid explicit language is that indirect language creates individual knowledge, while explicit language creates mutual knowledge that we cannot take back.
Uttering explicit language can be a determinant of a person’s first impression towards the speaker.
Today, two (2.5) children constitute Americans' ideal family size.
Two children is enough to replicate both parents which means that there will always be a steady number of young and old people in a country. Having two children is ideal - anything below that would result in a smaller population.