d. Giving too much influence to the wealthy.
Super PACs are a type of Political Action Committees, and PACs represent pools of campaing contributions and donates that money to the political candidates, in an United States elections. They channel funds for or against a candidate or a legislation.
Super PACs are officially known as independent-expenditure only committees, established in 2012. They engage in an unlimited political spending and are not tied to any political campaign. They can raise money from either individuals or corporations, and there are no legal limits on donation size. In that way, wealthy people can influence the outcome of the elections by spending unlimited amount of money for the support of their desired candidate.
Traditional dresses are symbolic of the art and culture of any country. They trace the timeline of the evolution of fashion dating ages back to modern times. These dresses also many times reveal the essence of nationalism of its country. So like all other countries, there are plenty of traditional dresses in Nepal that the beautiful nation boasts of.
1. Dhaka Topi
A Nepali national is made to wear that topi in photographs for passports. The topi is widely worn in rituals, weddings, funerals, etc. Although a lot of handlooms have been set in Nepal, they are continuously keeping up their pace to meet the rising demand for their topis.
2. Daura Suruwal
Daura Suruwal is the national dress of Nepal.
The Daura Suruwal consists of 8 strings (since 8 is considered to be a lucky number according to the Nepalese people).
3. Dhoti
Clothes used on a day-to-day basis are as important as the festive dresses of Nepal.
Dhoti is such a dress worn on a regular basis by men residing in the more humid parts of Nepal where comfortable wearing is of utmost importance.
4. Lungi
Lungis are similar to dhotis worn but with the purpose of comfort wear.
They are often sold in a variety of colours and have become a very common house-wear.
5. Gunyou Cholo
This is the female equivalent dressing of the Daura Suruwal. Gunyou Cholo has a special significance apart from being a national dress of Nepal. It is used to mark the specific age of a girl(7 to 8 years). It is given to a 7 or 8-year-old girl to make a mark of her womanhood and celebrate the fact that she is slowly turning into a woman
6. Sari
Saris are very common in festivities and are even recognized as formal wear for Nepalese women.
7. Kurta Suruwal
This is more of a modern dress of the Nepalese women which has developed in the recent past.
Like Festivals,special costumes also made nepal a colorful cultural land.
ethical dilemma
Ethical dilemma arises most of the time when the issues about moral principles. This style Emma arises when a person has to make a choice between two different courses of action. Two choices are involved here and no matter what you'll be a compromised principle.
Marietta is faced with this, first of all she knows that apart from the work conditions it is wrong ethically for children to be used as labourers. Then she's also faced with the reality of the children who are probably there to help support their families.
This puts her in a dilemma which is known as ethical dilemma.
serial; parallel
Serial and parallel processing are the two processing mechanisms. In serial processing one, abstract or object is processed at a particular time. In parallel processing, more than one or many objects are processed at one particular time. This process continues simultaneously.
As per the given excerpt. the scales that the child is practicing are comparable to serial processing. At the same time, the chords that the child is learning is comparable to parallel processing.
Heather is expressing her need for personal power.