Education is a vital way that change can be implemented into the world, as the most profound changes start simply with the younger generations. They are the future leaders, politicians, doctors, teachers, and producers that will grow to shape this world. But how do they get there? With education! It is the job of educators to give the younger generation the skills and ideas they need to change the planet. Education trains the future workforce and in turn has a major grasp on how the world functions.
--Hope this helps :)
1 matches with F
2 matches with C
3 matches with A
4 matches with D
2. Someone who is very beautiful. Someone might say you are the most beautiful person in the world. 3. Someone who is very tired. I’m so tired a can barely move a muscle.
4. Someone how is very full.
I ate so much I could explode!
5. Someone who is very smart.
He/she could answer the world wide questions
People use hyperbole as- I tried a thousand times
(C) an ordinary yet beloved natural object
The poem presents Daisy with something else and is very important. Daisy is not valued, not é rara, not é incommunicado, nem é alga herdavel e que esta na familia a gerações, mas é um obnjeto muto estimmado e que tem um great valor sentimental, o que a torna importante.
To inform you on what’s going to happen and what’s happening