Simone suffers from elective mutism - that is, she chooses not to speak - at all. Simone's behavior may be considered abnormal according not typically or culturally expected criterion for classifying abnormality.
According to the qualitative concept, normality and abnormality differ in quality and not in quantity. These two concepts are separated from each other by water tight compartments by this older conception. Not long ago, the insane, criminals and mentally deficient were considered to form a special group below the normal group, just as the gifted were considered to constitute a special group above the normal group.
It was also accepted that the insane, delinquent and genius were governed by distinctly different laws. Thus, according to the qualitative concept, the insane and genius have no similarity with the normal people in any respect?
This popular conception of the distribution of human personality is represented below diagrammatically which aptly suggests a qualitative difference between the insane, normal and genius.
To indicate the difference between the abnormal, the normal and the superior each group has been described as a separate entity.
Learn more about abnormality here