Meaning: A dark color or material obtained by heating organic matter or wood.
Polyp cnidarian form is the characterized by the cylindrical body with which a mouth surrounded by the tentacles at the end of cylinder and opposite where it can attached to the substrate or the colonial tissue
A colony of the single-cell organisms is also known as the colonial organisms. The difference between the multicellular organism and the colonial organism is that the individuals organisms that may form the colony or the biofilm can,
if separated, or survive on their own, while the cells from the multicellular organism (e.g., liver cells) cannot be Colonies usually that do not have the specialized tissues or the organs. Corn is the complex plant that may has many types of the cells that form the tissues and the organs with the different jobs. Each plant is made of the billions of cells
To know more about Polyp cnidarian visit:
Lymphedema is the condition I believe.
Vascular system - phloem and xylem
The phloem is responsible for translocating nutrient and sugars which are produced by the leaves to areas og the plant that are metabolically activew while the xylem cell wall transport water gom the root to the leaves.
However, a plant may have many xylem tissues extending up to the plant.
1. I’m not really sure how to answer it, i think it’s parasitic
2. The tick is the parasite since the human is the host
3. It’s symbiosis bc it’s a long term biological interaction between two different biological organisms (the human and the tick) and in this case it’s parasitic bc one benefits off the host but it’s harmful towards the host so it doesn’t benefit each member.
Hope that helps :)