All medicines must be stored in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight and moisture. Some medicines require special storage conditions such as in the refrigerator, or even the freezer. Such medicines can expire quickly if they are improperly stored at room temperature, becoming toxic or less effective.
The correct answer is D.
ADH, <em>also called arginine vasopressin</em> is a hypothalamic hormone (storaged in the posterior pituitary) that <u>regulates body’s osmotic balance</u>.
ADH increases the amount of solute-free water reabsorbed from the one filtrated in the kidneys.
Also, increases peripheral vascular resistance due to the constriction of arterioles, and therefore raises blood pressure.
<u>Ethanol (alcohol)</u> reduces secretion of ADH by blocking voltage-gated calcium channels. As a result, <em>urine volume increases and this may cause dehydration.
Very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) is a particle containing triglycerides and cholesterol and protein that is made by the liver. VLDL goes up with diets that contain a lot of fat, sugar, or alcohol. It can also be high in conditions such as diabetes and kidney disease.
He should try to calm him down. Once he calmed down, he can try to talk to him.