The Constitution was debated, criticized, and expounded clause-by-clause. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay wrote a series of essays popularly referred to as The Federalist Papers, which supported ratification and attacked the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.
That is true because robbers dont normally think about the consequences or how its affect someone
Our leaders in many West Africa nations are mostly thinking about the money that they are going to eat only , they won't think about upgrading the country
Oligarchy comes from the greek word "oligos" which means " a few" and the word "archos" which means "to Govern", so it is a government system where all the power is gathered by a small group of people, usually richest families in the city or country, it isn´t seen as an open democracy because not only they run the destinities of the country but also develop and create the rules, the law, and manage all the system. Back then we also could find that power in the hands of the oldest men in the country who controlled everything and had a lot of economic power.
Adding two negatives gives you a negative