The number of significant figures in the numbers are
- 100 cm = 1 significant digit
- 0.006700 cm = 2 significant digits
- 450. cm = 3 significant digits
<h3>How to determine the number of significant figures in the following numbers?</h3>
As a general rule, the zeros before and after the non-zero figures are not significant.
Using the above rule, we have:
- 100 cm = 1 significant digit
- 0.006700 cm = 2 significant digits
- 450. cm = 3 significant digits
How to round the following numbers to the correct number of significant figures</h3>
Using the above rule in (a), we have:
- 123g to show 1 sig fig = 100 g
- 0.19851m to show 2 sig figs = 0.2 m
- 0.0057034L to show 3 sig figs = 0.005703 L
<h3>How to report the following answers with correct significant figures</h3>
We have:
(12.93cm) x (2.34cm) x (8cm) = 242.05 cm^3 because 12.93 has 4 significant figures
67.0m / 2.18s = 30.7 m/s because 2.18 has 3 significant figures
<h3>How to convert the following metric to metric</h3>
450mL = 0.45 L
because 1 mL = 0.001 L
2.3 dm = 0.00023 km
because 1 dm = 0.0001 km
0.120cg = 1.2 mg
because 1 cg = 10 mg
6700L = 670000 cL
because 1 L = 100 cL
<h3>How to convert the following metric</h3>
a. 2.34miles = 3.76 km (1mile = 1.61km) -- given
b. 5.3ft = 161.544 cm(2.54cm = 1 in)
Because 1 ft = 30.48 cm
Read more about significant figures at: