5+1 times 10=???
order of operations
multiplcation comes before addition
so yes, multiply first
5+1 times 10=5+10=15
Charlie should use a stopwatch with minutes and seconds
Step-by-step explanation:
charlie should not count in his head as it is not accurate, he could count too fast or slow
Charlie should not look at that clock and the seconds will affect the 25 minutes, whether it be less or more
Charlie should not use an hourglass as he might flip it over too soon or quick and it's not very accurate
therefore using the stopwatch allows him to accurately and fairly keep track of the exact time
Behavioral modality of measurement
Step-by-step explanation:
Observing a 3rd grade student for 30 minutes as to how many time he leaves his seat without permission is a clear example of using behavioral modality of measurement.
In this modality of measurement the behavior of the object or system is observed when it is put into action.
This example shows as to what will happen or what is supposed to take place when a 3rd grade student is is seated and observed for 30 minutes. It counts as to how many times he leaves his seat in reaction to his stimulus from the environment.
just multiply 0.2 x 96,000