Seven out of ten deaths occur as a result of one or more chronic diseases, which are present in 133 million Americans.
What is chronic disease?
- A general definition of a chronic disease is a condition that lasts for a year or longer, necessitates continuous medical care, restricts daily activities, or both.
- The Klickitat County Health Department (KCHD) was one of 33 local health departments in Washington State that received funding and technical support from NACCHO to implement the Action Communities for Health, Innovation, and Environmental Change (ACHIEVE) model in an effort to prevent and lower the prevalence of chronic diseases.
- Together with HPA, KCHD established the Little Klickitat River Trail, three community gardens, and a worksite wellness toolkit in addition to completing all five phases of the ACHIEVE program.
Learn more about the Chronic disease with the help of the given link:
El sistema endocrino está formado por glándulas que fabrican hormonas. Las hormonas son los mensajeros químicos del organismo. Trasportan información e instrucciones de un conjunto de células a otro. El sistema endocrino influye en casi todas las células, órganos y funciones del cuerpo
They would contract the polio disease due to weakened immune system
Because the persons immune system is weak and compromised, they would most likely contract the polio disease.
If 2 pills equals 125mg, 1 pill is 62.5mg. Patient would need to take 8 pills a day to get 500mg.