The right answer is E.
Uracil is a nitrogenous base (pyrimidine) specific for RNA. The nucleoide of uracil is called uridine and nucleotide is called uridine monophosphate or uridylate. In the DNA, there is thymine instead of uracil.
So if we mark the uracils, only the RNA will be marked. The DNA will not be given that there is no uracil in it.
Animals can be categorized into 3 based on body symmetry
- <em>Those without any body symmetry (asymmetrical)</em>
- <em>Those with bilateral body symmetry (bilateria)</em>
- <em>Those with radial body symmetry (Radiata)</em>
Animals can be categorized into 2 based on number of embryonic germ layer;
- <em>Those with two layers - endoderm and ectoderm (diplobastic)</em>
- <em>Those with three layers - mesoderm in addition to ectoderm and endoderm (triploblastic)</em>
Animals can be categorized based on presence/absence of body cavity or coelom;
- <em>No body cavity - acoelomates</em>
- <em>False body cavity - pseudocoelomates</em>
- <em>True body cavity - coelomates</em>
Animals can be categorized into 2 based on characteristics of embryonic development;
- <em>Deuterostomes</em>
- <em>Protosomes</em>
Rose's classmate Mina observing Daphnia in water at 30°C, 32°C, and 34°C.
The pair of characteristics that one must use to classify a fish is the presence of jaw and skeleton type. Agnatha fishes are also called jawless fishes and they lack bony skeletons. Cartilaginous fishes are composed of cartilage skeletons. Bony fishes have bony skeleton structures.