Yay ww2 my best subject after ww2 becuse america droped the first 2 atomic bombs russia began arming its self with nukes to be prepaered america after hearing this began to arming its self sparking the arms race then the race to space and the cold war and vetnam
For starters marraige between a white and a black were illegal, they were forced to do cheap labor, they couldnt own certain land being homeless was illegal for black people, they couldn't vote and was still heavily segregated
Answer: A famine
The Middle Kingdom of ancient Egypt was a period between 2030 to 1650 B.C when Egypt regained stability after the chaos of the First Intermediate period. It saw great pharaohs such as Senusret III and Amenemhat III.
Towards the end of the reign of Pharaoh Amenemhat III, the river Nile saw its flood levels drop which the Egyptians were very reliant on. This created a famine where crop yields were dangerously low leading to the decline of the Middle Kingdom.
Located on America's Atlantic coast, The New England Colonies included Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. The Middle Colonies included Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York.
The economic diversity of the 13 colonies generated a large income for British Empire's coffers. It also gave the colonies, wealth and political motivation to start the American War of Independence. Finally, the colonies came together to rebelliously form the United States of America.
Grain mills, sawmills, and shipbuilding were popular pursuits, and the harbors along the coast were excellent for promoting trade
federalism and limited gorvernment