D. He looked to the Classical past for truth
While Rousseau did study the past in his pursuit of truth, he looked at man in his natural state (i.e pre-civilization). Rousseau's Discourse on Inequality is his foray into the evolution of man from his natural state into what the man of Rousseau's time. Rousseau described uncivilized man as a "noble savage". Critics argue that Rousseau was idealizing man in an uncivilized state and advocating for a return to this. What he likely meant was that man is naturally moral (driven by the well- balanced instincts of piety and survival) and that it is society that corrupts man. Classical philosophy and art is part of the society that Rousseau criticizes. In his Discourse on the Arts and Sciences he provides the link between the fall of the Roman empire and the peak of the Roman arts as an example of the detrimental effect arts (and that which was celebrated during the classical Greek and Roman periods as the best kind of human activity) has on man's natural sense of decency and morality.
The answer is Except their water.
Amazon Rain forest is rich in Oil, Medicinal Plants, and it create about 20 % of world's oxygen, but people around the world doesn't rely on their water so much
A.) The Cuban Revolution
July 26, 1953, Fidel Castro and his allies went against the military dictatorship of the Cuban president Fulgencio Batista.
The correct answer is A) payables.
Tammy is talented at the craft but lacks the cash flow management skills required to run a business. She opens a store, Tammy's Craft Corner, with the help of her son David - a business major - who manages the budgets and expenses of the business. David prepares the quarterly budget and maintains a company book for recording all transactions. The company book balance that David regularly updates is the sum of payables.
The book balance describes the amount of money available that can be used to pay other businesses or purchase anything needed after the adjustment after deposits in transit or checks that are not been cleared. The payables are the business obligation to pay-off a debt to its suppliers or creditors.
The other options of the question are B) chargebacks, C) deposits, and D) receivables.