Because we need to recognize that the people are incorrect some times but so are the
Why was who so excited to move to a different place other than Los Angeles county...
Answer: There isn´t a specific type of government official that feared Censorate, since it all depended on how censors behaved, which is why there is a mixed opinion, with some tales talking about benevolent and honorable censors, while others accepted bribes and extorted government officials.
We can say that Korea is the country where government officials feared censors the most, since the king´s influence was weak and the aristocracy was very strong, so censors became very critic with the monarchy.
In 1788, the colonization of Austria began ... * ahem * Australia
In Europe, meanwhile, one Cake raged. As a result of the war, Great Britain captured the Ionian Islands, Malta, Seychelles, Mauritius, Saint Lucia, Tobago; Trinidad was taken from Spain, Guyana and the Cape colony from the Netherlands.
In Asia, Britain had the goal of spreading its influence in India and China.
The British ruled India with the help of the East India Company, and for a long time it was effective. Moreover, the principalities are governed by locals who are subordinate to the British (if that has always been a hired army. You never know)
However, everything comes to an end. Namely: in 1858, these mercenaries decided to set up a bund.
The riot was suppressed, the problem is different. Who to trust now?
So the British thought and established direct control over India, thereby laying the foundation for British India. In 1858, Queen Victoria was crowned as Empress of India.
In China, they traded in drugs. So what? It may be mean, but how else to get at least something from this China?
Only the Chinese did not really like it. Because of what the Opium Wars began. As a result of the first, Britain received the island of Hong Kong in 1842.
Let's dig into Russia for a minute. What is she? Yes ... ... The Persians and the Ottomans only win ... And they may invade India.
“If a fight is inevitable - hit first”, Britain thought, and hit ... No, not Russia (it will be a little later), but Afghanistan. But Britain did not succeed (yes, and it happens).
Later, Britain and Russia will fight for Afghanistan, but no one will conquer it.
In Africa, there were conflicts with the Boers - former residents of the Cape Colony, who were driven out by the British. The Boers founded their own states, which the British tried to capture, but they succeeded only in 1902
In 1869, the Suez Canal was founded.
In the 1880s, Egypt came under British control (although not direct).
In the same 1880s, Europeans began to colonize Africa. And who, if not Britain, will not join the sharing.