This verse explains that the reason Satan was exiled from Heaven was a rebellion or mutiny that he led in order to be able to rule over the rest of the angels.
To set himself in glory refers to putting himself above the rest of the angels, and by whose aid aspiring means that Satan was not alone in his endeavor, but rather had the help of a great number of angels who also rebelled against the order and hoped to establish a new regimen with themselves as the rulers.
Mankind consciousness about Universe and God
Throughout the time mankind have experienced hard times, wars, regarding values, religions and traditions. Nowadays we have experienced clearly stream of consciousness style. We have seen people learning Yoga, Meditation, True contact with yourself and God. Respecting the Universe, God, Mother Nature. This is a tendency of the last days of humanity.... to go to God.
It means he is making a rude gesture.
I think talked is a different noun for spoke