what is their convorsation
The way it can also be seen is that philosofy, rather than provide you with such answers, sets a path for us to come up with our own interpretation of those kinds of questions. Let's take this question, for instance: Does God exist? Nietzsche said he has died but, does that mean he ever existed? Descartes: "Cogito ergo sum", How can someone thinks if not existed already? Philosofy gives you the tools to think of reality and come up with your own thoughts of it. So perhaps it is more accurate to see philosofy as "the mother of all sciences" and start from such an affirmation
Classroom training/instruction
Classroom training is a widely used system of training that aim to present information to multiple persons at the same time. It is one of the least expensive means of information dissemination and allows for a great deal of interaction between the group. It sometimes include hands-on-practice and ensures that the same topic or course is taught to all individuals.
Popular sovereignty. He believed territories be allowed to vote whether they liked something or not (was usually slavery).
In the case of a cancer patient, it would be vital to do thorough assessment to identify the cause and be diagnose as early as possible to have immediate treatments thus the answer on the question would be a sociologist would check the epigenome which have likely to do with environmental factors such as medications, diet or nutrition and environmantal exposures.