1. Gene- a portion of DNA which codes a specific hereditary trait
2. Allele- alternate forms of a specific gene
3. Trait- A genetic characteristic of the individual
4. Chromosome - a thread-like molecule....
Answer: During the day, photosynthesis is dominant, so there is a net release of oxygen. At night, photosynthesis stops but respiration continues, so there is a net consumption of oxygen.
caribou maternity pens are enclosed areas created to care for pregnant female caribou and their offspring. As well as allowing the mothers to take care of their offspring in a safe and nurturing condition. Therefore the hikers passing by the pens most likely would see Pregnant females and young caribou within the pens.
When charged particles from the sun strike atoms in earth's atmosphere, it causes electrons to move to a higher energy state. When the electrons drop back to a low energy state they release light photons. This is what causes the Aurora lights