This was a time of ongoing religious wars known as "Holy Wars". The capital of the Byzantine Empire, known as Constantinople, had fallen at the hands of the Turkish Ottoman Empire, who practiced the Muslim faith.
As a response, the western Christians gathered in arms and started a series of military campaigns known as <em>"The Crusades"</em> with the objective of retaking territories that were currently under Turkish (Muslim) control in the name of God. Spain had been one of these conquested territories, so at the time, people living in the Iberian Peninsula could be either Christian or Muslim.
Daeseong-dong (also called Tae Sung Dong, Jayu-ui Maeul and Daeseongdong-gil) is a village in South Korea close to the North Korean border.
<u>Perception </u> is a three phase process of selecting, organizing and interpreting information, objects, people, events or situations.
Perception involves three steps.
1. Selecting
In the first stage we select that stimuli which attracts us the most by ignoring the others about making perception about any event or object.
2. Organizing
In the second stage we organize the information about our selection.
3. Interpretation
In the third step we interpret that information in a meaningful way that makes sense to us.
Yes, democratic society is based around some kind of vote from the people.
Personal fable
Mark just got his driver's license. He loves to speed around town going more than 20 miles per hour above the speed limit. He believes that he can speed through red lights due to his perfect timing. This is an example of <u>personal fable</u>. Personal fable is a cognitive limitation linked to egocentrism in adolescents, where they believe that their life is special and meant to be heroic and as such none of life's difficulties or problems will affect them regardless of their behavior. This causes them to take unnecessary risk and live risky lifestyles.