Four reasons to keep your money in a financial institution like a bank are: Its the safest place for your money. In the case of burglaries or any such misfortune, a financial institution is the safest option. Interest rate is an added incentive for keeping your money in an institution. Money usually keeps losing and gaining value. In a bank it will keep earning you an interest on your savings. It is easy to manage your cash, keep track of your expenditures and savings. Value-added facilities provided by these financial institutions are also an attractive incentive.
On April 23, 1968, 300 Columbia students barricaded the office of the college dean, charging the university with supporting the Vietnam War and violating Harlem residents' civil rights. Hope this helps
The correct answer is chromatic alterations.
Chromatic Alterations or Chromaticism is defined as the altered pitches that are found outside the range of a certain musical composition. The symbols used to show chromatic alterations are known as "accidentals". Enharmonic Equivalence is defines as the pitches that share the common pitch-space, yet they are spelled differently from one another.
Yup correct thuwuer ti min