When resizing an image or an object in a presentation, a user should not utilize the sizing handles in the middle of the sides or the bottom of the image. There's nothing wrong with resizing this way.
There's nothing wrong with resizing this way
When the sizing handles in the middle of the sides are used, the image stretches out reflecting an increase in the width maintaining There's nothing wrong with resizing this way.
On the other hand, while using the sizing handles at the bottom, the image increases in height whilst maintaining the same width again disturbing the aspect ratio.
Code is completed below
Source Code in Java:
class Parenthesis
boolean hasBalancedParentheses(String eq) //method to check and return if a set of parenthesis is balanced or not
int count=0; //to store count of current unclosed opening brackets
for(int i=0;i<eq.length();i++)
else if(eq.charAt(i)==')')
if(count<0) //if count falls below zero, there were more closing brackets than opening brackets till this point
return false;
if(count>0) //if count is still more than zero, there were less closing brackets than opening brackets
return false;
return true; //if program reaches this point, it has passed all the tests
public static void main(String args[])
//testing the function
Parenthesis ob=new Parenthesis();
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