<em>Adaptive Processes</em>
Adaptive process <em>is the method of performing computations from a physical, natural, source on a set of measured or displayed information</em> (thought to be) in <em>such a manner as to create a finest parametric model of that physical source, one that best suits the observed information according to certain error criteria.</em>
The monkeys were more attached to the artificial mothers that were warm and soft.
Since monkeys are considered to one of the closest primate to humans, harry Harlow intended to gather information regarding parent-child relations among humans by studying how other primates would behave under similar situation.
The monkeys were more attached to the artificial mothers that were warm and soft indicates that emotional bonding between children and parents in primates starts from early age. Warm and Soft atmosphere provided a sense of comfort for the children that later turned into long time affection to their parents.
Of natural rights life,liberty,and property. People had the right to overthrow their government if it wasn't doing its job of preserving people's natural rights.
Core culture refers to values of an organization and this is found in Edgar Schein's model of Organizational culture.
Core culture is made up of three P's from the five P's which can be best depicted in a formula as: Core culture =Purpose+Philosophy+priorities
The organization needs to have a crucial purpose, a diffrent and long lasting Philosophy and strategic priorities. These are the ethos that will stabilize the organization and they need to be well known in the organization. They will act as a guidance to employees within work and out of work. These principles and values are characteristics that defines the organization through its employees even in the outer world. Which set them apart from other companies.