<span><span>Physical boundaries pertain to your personal space, privacy, and body. Do you give a handshake or a hug – to whom and when? How do you feel about loud music, nudity, and locked doors?</span><span><span>Mental boundaries </span>apply to your thoughts, values, and opinions. Are you easily suggestible? Do you know what you believe, and can you hold onto your opinions? Can you listen with an open mind to someone else’s opinion without becoming rigid? If you become highly emotional, argumentative, or defensive, you may have weak emotional boundaries.</span><span>Emotional boundaries distinguish separating your emotions and responsibility for them from someone else’s. It’s like an imaginary line or force field that separates you and others. Healthy boundaries prevent you from giving advice, blaming or accepting blame. They protect you from feeling guilty for someone else’s negative feelings or problems and taking others’ comments personally. High reactivity suggests weak emotional boundaries. Healthy emotional boundaries require clear internal boundaries – knowing your feelings and your responsibilities to yourself and others.</span></span>
Deforestation but mainly Desertification.
The family has been the source of inspiration and strength to some people. However, when this family is subjected to divorce and/ or violence, a study showed how this affects the American society and the lives of their children in contrary to the romantic love. Some resulted in the loss of educational attainment, job stability, physical and emotional health, drug abuse and crime.
the first amendment
freedom of religion, speech, protest, etc.
Caucasus Mountains is your answer