Hey here is a tip: for your essay put your letters in white ink at the end so it looks like 300 words.
We can protect the server from the modification by using the non root users in many ways as follows:
- By modifying the PHP settings in the server and by using the configured file as, the configuration of the file is basically depend upon the linux and the PHP script.
- By disabling the URL from the function of file handling that basically accept the local file as the parameters but it also accept the URL. It can even now get to outer destinations by utilizing fsockopen or any of the CURL capacities.
- The safe mode of PHP is presumably probably the best alternative to secure your server however it very well may be prohibitive. Whenever initiated, experimental mode averts access to records not claimed by Apache and access to condition factors and execution of double projects are likewise debilitated.
Int whatever = scnr.nextInt();
Although usually when a class has a next* member function, it usually needs to check that there IS a next, that you haven't reached the end. Without knowing the class that scnr was instantiated from, I can't guess.
This code will print: 4
Following is the step-by-step explanation for the given code:
- Given is the array of data type double named myList, it has entries, 1, 5, 5, 5,5, 1:
double[] myList = {1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1};
- Now the first element of the array (1) with index 0 will be stored in the variable max (data type double).
double max = myList[0];
- A variable indexOfMax having datatype int will be initiated as 0.
int indexOfMax = 0;
- Now for loop will be used to find the maximum number of the array. The variable i will be put as index for each element to compare with first element. If the checked element is greater than or equal to the integer in max, it will be replaced. So at the end the variable max will have value 5 that will be at index i = 4.
for (int i = 1; i < myList.length; i++)
{ if (myList[i] >= max)
{ max = myList[i];
- Now the variable i that is the index for max value will be stored in the variable indexOfMax (indexOfMax = 4).
indexOfMax = i; }}
- At end the value stored in variable indexOfMax will be printed, so 4 will be printed as output.
i hope it will help you!