One for just regular card usage, one for savings and one for emergencies.
A social media manager manages a social media star. They arrange appointments, or things like autograph signings, they monitor or arrange partnerships, they pay lawyers when needed
Thanks for asking this my older cousin is one. He used to manage beyonce for a short amount of time, he did snopp dogg, he did some other people that really dont mean anything to me
if you need more explanation i got you
If Bruce is able to work 600 hours per year, his salary will be $3,600 (= $6 x 600), but he will lose $2,160 (= $3,600 x 60%) of welfare stipend.
His total welfare stipend is $15,000 if he is not able to work during the year.
Bruce's total income = $15,000 + $3,600 - $2,160 = $16,440
a) 46.7, 80 b) 20, 60 c) yes
a) % utilization= utilization/design capacity × 100
= 7/15 × 100
= 46.7%
% efficiency= efficiency/design capacity × 100
= 12/15 × 100
b) Utilization= 2/10 × 100 = 20%
Efficiency= 6/10 × 100= 60%
c) A system with higher efficiency ratios will always have higher utilization as these systems will have lesses number of failures
Letter a is correct. <u>Steering team.</u>
Steering team in a project correspond to the highest hierarchy of a project, which is responsible for the decision-making process, and is composed of all representatives involved in the project, the directors, specialists and units of the company, who will join efforts to assist with methodological and technical advantages for the project to proceed as planned.
The main function of the steering teams is to monitor the project, in order to control the steps in order to carry out the project, establish the budget, support the managers, set objectives, allocate necessary resources, etc.