The appropriate response is civil service examination. Civil service examination will be examinations actualized in different nations for enlistment and admission to the common administration. They are expected as a strategy to accomplish a successful, objective open organization on a legitimacy framework.
<u>inocme statment:</u>
wages expense: understate
<u>net income</u> overstate
<u>blanace sheet</u>
wages payable: understate
Retained Earnings: overstate
If the adjusting entry is not made, then the expenses will be lower than it should.
Thereofre the net income will be overstate as there are more expenses but weren't recorded.
the balance sheet will not represent accurate the liabilities as there is wages payable which are not recorded.
also, in the blaance sheet the Retained Earnings account will be overstate as it include the net income which is overstate.
Risk of a bad investment
When an investor is calculating an investment's interest rate, he/she must include all brokerage commissions and fees
, inflation rate (interest rate must exceed the inflation rate) and the investor's opportunity cost.
Investors are risk adverse, which means that a risky investment should yield a higher return. That could be considered a rational investment rule, but it is not included in the calculation of the interest rate.
d. Rise in price of alcohol
Change in Quantity demanded occurs due to change in Price. Change in Demand happens due to factors other than price - Income, Substitute & Complementary good's price, Taste.
Change in alcohol demand - due to substitute Cigarette price change , Change [Decrease] in alcohol demand - due to change in taste based on anti drinking sentiments, higher risk of alcohol liver cirrhosis , Change [Increase] in alcohol demand - due to change [rise] in Income : These all are due to factors other than price & hence are 'Change in Demand'
Rise in price of Alcohol leads to 'Change [Expansion] in Quantity Demanded' due to price change [rise] .
Account name statement(1) type of account(2)
Accounts payable BS CL
Accounts receivable BS CA
Accruals IS and BS income and SE
Accumulated amortization BS FA
administrative expenses IS E
Buildings BS FA
Cash BS CA
Common shares BS SE
Cost of goods sold IS E
Amortization BS E
Equipment BS F ASSET
General expenses IS E
Intrest expenses IS E
Account name Statement(1) type of account(2)
Inventories BS CA
Land BS FA
long term debts BS CL
Machinery BS FA
marketable securities BS CA
Line of credit BS LTD
operating expense IS E
Preferred shares BS SE
preferred share dividends BS SE
retained earnings BS R
Sales revenue IS R
Selling expense IS E
Taxes IS E
Vehicle BS FA