The most appropriate choice for percentage will be given by Percentage decrease in the investment is 22.22%
<h3>What Does Percent Mean?</h3>
Using a percentage of 100, we may express a ratio as a %.
Stock investments in this case decreased from $450 in 2013 to $350 in 2014.
Decrease in stock equals $100 ($450 - $355)
Decrease in percentage: 100/450 100 = 22.22%
<h3>What format does a percentage use?</h3>
The definition of percentage is "out of 100." In mathematics, percentages are used to represent parts of a whole, much as fractions and decimals. A total is considered to be made up of 100 equal parts when expressed as a percentage. The symbol % or, less commonly, the abbreviation 'pct' can be used to represent a percentage.
To learn more about percentage, refer to the link :